A Regina NewsFax published by the Cole Group.

Volume 1977 Issue Number 20 206-1122

Consulate Curse Claims New Victim!

The newest Solomani consul to arrive on Regina only three days ago has apparently become the latest victim of what some are calling a curse on the Solomani Consulate on Up Port. Jessica Creuvik, an attractive young woman from the Solomani Rim arrived on Regina on day 203, and presented her credentials to the local authorities. The charming young brunette was the replacement for Christopher Blaelok, who recovered from his exile from Regina by taking over the post of ambassador (on Rhylanor), vacated by Veronica Liu . Ms. Liu was killed while visiting Regina and the late H. Duncon LaBland - another Solomani consul who died after being assigned to Regina. And Mr. LaBland was by no means the first Solomani diplomat who met with an untimely demise while on Regina. Jessica Creuvik was, the Tattler has been informed, a passenger of the ill-fated Solomani vessel that was destroyed by a catastrophic drive failure while heading out to jump point. Three days as Solomani Consul is a new "record", but not one we would have wished on the lovely Miss Creuvik.

The Solomani Consulate has been repeatedly damaged and rebuilt, has been the site of so many "accidental" or "unexplained" deaths, that one might wonder if it is not time to bulldoze it flat, sprinkle salt on the ground, and call in a priest.

Will we be getting a new consul? Or will their government decide to stop throwing good Solomanis after bad?

Attention Readers!

Grippe Has Regina in It's Grasp

While civic-mindedness is an admirable quality, the Tattler does not wish to be seen to aid, abet, or encourage any acts of vigilante justice, no matter how well-meaning they may be. Although the offers of free rope for Mr. Volkov is very generous, we ask our readers to please stop sending it to our offices. Thank you. Had your flu shot this year? If not, you'd better get one fast if the first cases of the yearly crud is any indication. This year's nastiness has even the most hardy denizen of Old Port heading for the nearest free clinic or magic herb shop for a little something to keep the germs away. Guess those new air filters can't keep everything out!